Saturday, May 9, 2009

ES44C4, B-25 & a Skycrane

On Friday evening (5/8/09) I had the opportunity to catch the first production unit of the ES44C4 model as it came in on the High Priority Manifest, Eagle Pass, TX-Tulsa, OK (H-EAPTUL.

Here the H-EAPTUL has just entered the Restricted Limits (R/L) of the BNSF Cherokee Yard located in Tulsa with the BNSF 1075 on the point and BNSF 660 in trail position,

Coming around the east leg of the wye in Tulsa,

Going away shots of the ES44C4

At Sand Springs Pogue Airport this weekend a new business hosted a open house to the public to come view their new facilities and aircraft on display.

One of the aircraft was a World War II vintage North American B-25 Mitchell Medium Range Bomber.

Here is the B-25 Martha Jean as she makes a pass over the airport runway before landing,
On the rollout after landing on runway 35,

Nose art of the Martha Jean,

FINALLY! a quick peek from the sun lets me get a better picture

B-25 Martha Jean departing Pogue Airport,

Some of you, in the Tulsa, OK area, might have seen the big helicopter working over downtown last Sunday. It was a Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane that was changing out some cooling towers on a couple of buildings downtown.

Hope you enjoy the pictures of the train & the occassional planes.

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